Welcome CES Families!!
Chaplin Elementary School is eligible to participate in the Community Eligibility Provision for the 2024-2025 school year. This means that breakfast and lunch will be FREE for ALL students! Please encourage your child to get a healthy school meal everyday!! Below, please find more information on CEP.
CES will offer a Grab and Go Style breakfast every morning at no cost to families!
Breakfast will include: a muffin, bagel, or cereal, string cheese or yogurt, 100% fruit juice, fresh fruit, and milk
Please encourage your child to grab a healthy breakfast at school everyday!!
*Ice cream is sold on Fridays. The cost of ice cream this year is $1.00. Please send money in on Fridays only, so it may be paid for at the time and date of service.
Please contact me with any concerns: Jessica Texera, Food Service Director, jtexera@chaplinschool.org
Letter for Free Breakfast and Lunch
Chaplin School Wellness Policy
School Wellness Policy Web Site Assessment Score 2022
Connections between policy and practice
Charging Policy