Pre-K: Mrs. Grzywacz

Chaplin Pre-Kindergarten Philosophy
It is our belief that parents are the child’s first and most important teachers. The Chaplin Pre-Kindergarten encourages families to become involved in all aspects of their child’s learning process. The focus of our classroom is to facilitate each child’s development (social, personal, cognitive, physical, and creative) in a process oriented environment, with an integrated curriculum, where children make choices and act on them. We recognize that young children learn best through concrete experiences and active manipulation of materials and that children need to be provided with a balance of self-selected high interest experiences and teacher guided instruction. We believe that in order to encourage children’s development of language, children should be immersed in a language rich environment where they are supported in their efforts to use ever expanding and increasingly complex language structures, communication and descriptive skills. Our program is an all-inclusive model, servicing children all along the developmental continuum, facilitating the development of friendship, self-esteem, social interaction, and the celebration of diversity.

Classroom Teachers: Carrie Grzywacz, Heidi Hand, Michelle Moon

Classroom Support Staff: Kathy Atwell, Penny Boomer, Katie Cote, Katie Forostoski, Wendy St. Dennis