Special Education

The Chaplin Special Education Department is committed to providing a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for all special education students. Students with disabilities are educated with students without disabilities whenever possible and to the extent that is appropriate to meet their individual needs.

Special education services are provided to children, ages 3-22, who after being evaluated (with parent permission) have been identified by a Planning and Placement Team (PPT) to have a disability that requires specially designed instruction to meet their unique needs and to enable them access to the general education curriculum. Parents are valuable members of the PPT and their input is necessary and welcome to ensure the planning of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that meets their child’s individual needs.

Below are some resources to help parents navigate the special education process. For further information, you may also contact the Department of Special Education at 860-786-6038. We welcome collaboration and working together with parents to ensure a successful educational experience for all students.

Jocelyn Morse                                                                  Jennifer Roy

Director of Special Education                                Administrative Assistant to Director of Special Education

jmorse@parishhill.org                                           jroy@parishhill.org


Procedural Safeguards

Procedural Safeguards Notice-IDEA Part B

A Parent’s Guide to Special Education


Seclusion and Restraint Laws

Parent Notice of Seclusion Restraint Laws

IEP Manual


Transition Bill of Rights

Transition Bill of Rights

Building a Bridge


Special Education Legal and Due Process Resources
